Friday, December 11, 2009
I tried to download a pic of this but never could get it to work so just go check out each blog and do what they say!
HP TouchSmart 600 PC Reviews With 5 Ways to Win One For Yourself!
HP recently gave 5 lucky BlogHer Reviewers the opportunity to try out the HP TouchSmart600 PC and share what they thought. This all-in-one computer has changed the way they use a computer becuase of it’s revolutionary touch screen interface. HP was even kind enough to give each of the bloggers another one to give away!
You have 5 chances to win one of your own!
Check out each of the five reviews below to find out how great touch screen access to info, entertainment and social networks can be, and to enter each blogger's sweepstakes of a HP TouchSmart600 PC!
Kelly, from Kelly’s Korner, loves how her new HP TouchSmart 600 has great photo editing, slide show and movie applications. Find out what other features have her blown away!
See how the HP TouchSmart 600 has brought Stephanie, from A Year of Slow Cooking, and her family together. “I’m excited that my husband and the girls are so excited, spending so much time playing together, and fooling around with all of the programs.”
Jen, from My Charming Kids, just hasn't been able to keep her hands off it—after all, it is a TouchSmart! “I have died and gone to computer heaven, my friends…there is a program that helps me access Twitter, photo storage and organization solutions that make an obsessive organizational freak like me salivate.”
Check out how the HP TouchSmart 600 has become a family favorite for NieNie, from The NieNie Dialogues. Her children “love how easy it is to do Barbie's make-up with their fingers on the screen.”
Sophie, from BooMama, adores the Recipe Box feature that lets her “add any recipe I happen to run across on the web and will even READ THE RECIPE OUT LOUD TO ME while I cook.”
Monday, December 7, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Old Rugged Cross
Whew...Mistletoe Market was insane! I sold over 50 wreaths on Friday and was completely sold out just after lunch! I stayed up all night making more and I don't think I ever stopped all weekend, and still I have orders to fill....YAYAYAYAYAY!!! I so needed a sale like this one, I was really discouraged and so many things are going on in my home that it was just what I needed at the moment. Sorry to say I didn't take a single pic, I never had time to get my camera out of the bag. Tammy came to see me with her sweet, sweet Mama Ru and sisnlaw Judy and took a few pics. I sold all of my paper mache' dress forms and have 2 more almost ready for their debut.
One of my customers asked me if I could come up with a cross done like my wreaths and my hubby has been on me for a year to try one and this is my version or first try anyway. I'm thinking I need to thin out the middle of the arms so that it is wider at the center and the points, whadya think? Please be honest, is this a keeper or no? Please ignore the inside of the fireplace, candles are everywhere and I didn't have alot of options for 10:30pm pics.
I can't wait to here what y'all think of the cross and whether I should thin it out, something just doesn't look right. I'm hoping this customer loves the cross and maybe I can offer them in my etsy shop.
Love to you all,
Friday, November 13, 2009
Christmas Shows
I don't know if I have any visitors left after missing an entire month here but I am frantically trying to get ready for Mistletoe Market next weekend in Perry Ga. Last year, I had a friend help out with making things and working the booth with me but this year she has decided that she cannot and I have a double booth to fill.....(can you hear me screaming Calgon?). Now you know why I haven't been here! I also had 2 swaps from Silver Bella that I stayed in even tho' I had to back out of going, one was a Bella book with Scrappy Jessi and another was a Shabby Bella ornament swap hosted by Heather of Speckled Egg. I didn't get a great shot of the ornaments but now that the recipients have gotten them(they swapped last night), I feel safe in showing you the one little pic I did take. I was really nervous abt. this one, not knowing if my ornaments would be "up to snuff" with the other girls involved, so I really hope they like them and cannot wait to see all the Silver Bella pics.
Well I'm off to "create". I would love to see some of you next weekend at that show!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Get on over to Kasey's and enter her giveaway...holy cow! or maybe don't go and that way I have a better chance of winning, hahaha!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
and you're the winner.....if your number is picked
Sorry it is now 9:55pm, little drama held us up from drawing the winner of the giveaway! My neighbor came over and my 8 yr. old, Chandler was seen in only his underwear...."OH THE HORROR!!"...I mean he completely wigged out abt. her seeing him in his Over the Hedge undies...I can't stop laughing,hahahahahaha.
anyway the winner is (sorry no pics of the drawing-we were too busy giggling abt. the drama)..........
Gail said...
Hi Angela,Like many others, I found you through Dawn of A Feathered Nest. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway...I'll be having one myself one of these days...congrats on 100 posts!Gail
Gail of Little Beach're the next contestant, oh no that's a different show...anyway, Gail is the winner and of course Blogger is not letting me post pics again, UGH! I will continue to try to get this pic posted but Gail you are getting tons of stuff, a goodie box full and I will ship it out as soon as I get your addy.
Lee Weber....I also need your addy, I have a second place gift for you, :)))!!!
Thank you all so much for visiting me and leaving comments, I saw where 84 visits happened in one day and no one left a word, :(, so I hope everyone continues to visit and I have a ton of new blogs to visit each day!
anyway the winner is (sorry no pics of the drawing-we were too busy giggling abt. the drama)..........
Gail said...
Hi Angela,Like many others, I found you through Dawn of A Feathered Nest. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway...I'll be having one myself one of these days...congrats on 100 posts!Gail
Gail of Little Beach're the next contestant, oh no that's a different show...anyway, Gail is the winner and of course Blogger is not letting me post pics again, UGH! I will continue to try to get this pic posted but Gail you are getting tons of stuff, a goodie box full and I will ship it out as soon as I get your addy.
Lee Weber....I also need your addy, I have a second place gift for you, :)))!!!
Thank you all so much for visiting me and leaving comments, I saw where 84 visits happened in one day and no one left a word, :(, so I hope everyone continues to visit and I have a ton of new blogs to visit each day!
I just wanted to let you all know that I will draw the winner's name at 9:30pm tonight and will post the pics of the giveaway goodies as well. You still have a few hours to enter!!!!!!!!!
For those of you that are believers, please, please be praying for 2 families in our community. Last night was our first PTO mtg of the school year and afterwards while organizing the cafeteria to be ready for this morning, I got to meet one of our new teachers, Nathan Beiswenger. Quite the good-looking man and just a really nice guy. He was one of the few that stayed to help us put chairs and tables back in order and the kids in the school loved having a man as a teacher(there are so few of them now). This morning before school, he was out jogging just a mile down the road from us and was hit by a car. He died on the scene. From what I understand, he was facing traffic and saw a car coming so he moved over into the other lane -with an Ipod in his ear- and never heard a car approaching behind him. PLEASE, PLEASE be praying for his family, his fiance, and the driver's family, who was also a local man. I cannot imagine the grief they are all feeling and I regret not having said more to him last night. I have said in the past that I know God put me here for a reason and that I feel like I am not living up to my "calling". After watching Patrick Swayze and his wife on TV last night and then hearing abt. Mr. Beiswenger this morning, it hits home even more that the MOST IMPORTANT thing for me to be doing is sharing God's love and forgiveness with everyone I meet. I do love each and every one of you even though many of us have not met, so, while you pray for them and please keep the staff and kids in our school in your prayers too, I will be praying for all of you; especially that you know the Jesus Christ as your Savior.
I have never done this before but if anyone out there needs prayer whether it is something you want to share or an unspoken, please leave it in the comments or email me...I would LOVE to pray with you or for you.
thanks for letting me share my feelings on here and please know that I am sincere! I will email the winner tonight at 9:30 but there are some comments that I cannot get any info from so please check back here for the winner's name.
For those of you that are believers, please, please be praying for 2 families in our community. Last night was our first PTO mtg of the school year and afterwards while organizing the cafeteria to be ready for this morning, I got to meet one of our new teachers, Nathan Beiswenger. Quite the good-looking man and just a really nice guy. He was one of the few that stayed to help us put chairs and tables back in order and the kids in the school loved having a man as a teacher(there are so few of them now). This morning before school, he was out jogging just a mile down the road from us and was hit by a car. He died on the scene. From what I understand, he was facing traffic and saw a car coming so he moved over into the other lane -with an Ipod in his ear- and never heard a car approaching behind him. PLEASE, PLEASE be praying for his family, his fiance, and the driver's family, who was also a local man. I cannot imagine the grief they are all feeling and I regret not having said more to him last night. I have said in the past that I know God put me here for a reason and that I feel like I am not living up to my "calling". After watching Patrick Swayze and his wife on TV last night and then hearing abt. Mr. Beiswenger this morning, it hits home even more that the MOST IMPORTANT thing for me to be doing is sharing God's love and forgiveness with everyone I meet. I do love each and every one of you even though many of us have not met, so, while you pray for them and please keep the staff and kids in our school in your prayers too, I will be praying for all of you; especially that you know the Jesus Christ as your Savior.
I have never done this before but if anyone out there needs prayer whether it is something you want to share or an unspoken, please leave it in the comments or email me...I would LOVE to pray with you or for you.
thanks for letting me share my feelings on here and please know that I am sincere! I will email the winner tonight at 9:30 but there are some comments that I cannot get any info from so please check back here for the winner's name.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
100th Post and a Giveaway
I am so sorry that my post set to appear on Tuesday did not and now Blogger tells me there is an error and it cannot be posted.
I have put together a box full of goodies to giveaway including vintage childrens books, vintage sheet music, ledger paper, vintage hymn sheets, antique buttons, lace, wallpaper, some of my handmade halloween cupcake picks, a few handmade tags, a flower fairy and one more surprise but for whatever reason I am not able to post the pic.
Leave a comment for 1 entry, post abt. my giveaway on your blog and leave a comment that you have done so for 2 entries. I will and I promise I will draw on Wednesday the 16th of Sept.
I have made some wonderful friends since I started blogging and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for visiting and caring abt. little ole' me!!!!!
Don't forget to comment!!! I will try to post the pics tomorrow or Sunday so that you can see what all you will receive, who knows I may add a few more things ;)!!
I have put together a box full of goodies to giveaway including vintage childrens books, vintage sheet music, ledger paper, vintage hymn sheets, antique buttons, lace, wallpaper, some of my handmade halloween cupcake picks, a few handmade tags, a flower fairy and one more surprise but for whatever reason I am not able to post the pic.
Leave a comment for 1 entry, post abt. my giveaway on your blog and leave a comment that you have done so for 2 entries. I will and I promise I will draw on Wednesday the 16th of Sept.
I have made some wonderful friends since I started blogging and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for visiting and caring abt. little ole' me!!!!!
Don't forget to comment!!! I will try to post the pics tomorrow or Sunday so that you can see what all you will receive, who knows I may add a few more things ;)!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Some of my Favs and 1 more to go!!!

I wish I could say that I was a morning person and that I got up long before everyone else to read my Bible, exercise, tidy up the house, get dressed, cook breakfast and all that other stuff perfect women do...but I'm not. I wish I could say that I was a very detailed and organized person, but I cannot. I wanted to post some pics of random things that I had saved on my laptop that just inspire me or make me happy and now it is sad to say that I cannot tell you anything abt. any of these except that I THINK they all came from except the one of Billy and me at my class reunion. I am not a confident woman of anything that has to do with me other than that I love the Lord and HE especially loves me and that I have a very good looking man for a hubby, just saying!!;)
If any of these pics are from you, please leave me a comment so that I can give you all the credit because Lord knows I am not claiming any of these as my own, I just loved the color and details and wanted to share with everyone. If you haven't visited tumblr in the past, go do so now, there are some amazing artists and photographers in this world and they bless us by sharing their talents!
I have a few "friends" that I rush home to visit daily that I wanted to share with y'all as well, in no particular order:
and I could go on and on and will do so with my next post which will also be my 100th POST so make sure to comment and get in on the giveaway, let me know that you have posted abt. my giveaway on your blog in your comment and I will enter you twice!!! Don't forget my next post is the 100th!!! I will be posting on Tuesday the 8th of Sept. and drawing the winner of ?????!!!!!! on Friday the 11th!!! you can leave comments for me anytime tho', I love to hear from you!
love you all,
Friday, August 21, 2009
Well I am sorry to have boo-hooed on your shoulders today, I hope and pray that everyone has a wonderful day and weekend. If you are a praying person, please pray that God blesses us in a very special way today, I know he is capable if we only let him! Thanks to you all!
2 more posts to go to the giveaway...
Oh, God just reminded me how blessed and loved I am. The child 2nd from the left, my 5 year old Brady, was lying beside me the other day and I said to him, "I love you"...he replied "I love you too" to which I added " I love you more" and usually this will go on and on until one of us says, " I love you MOST"-declaring the winner, but my wise little child responds this time, " well, I love you as much as Jesus loves you". Tell me that don't learn early! sneaky little devil, I couldn't help but laugh and of course kiss him all over!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
EnLe Jardin Memory Book
Here is the back page of Analise's and my front page.
I just wanted to show that the door would open and reveal a party inside!
This is the back side of Rosalyn Sue's and the front of Sherry's-absolutely gorgeous!!
The second part of Sherry's with a great pocket to add pics to and the front of Teresa's depicting the butterflies that flew above our tables as we crafted.

This is the back side of Teresa's page and she included the little fold up book so that we can add journaling or pics smart! The opposite side is Tiffany's front page with the last pic being the back cover( for now) which is the back of Tiffany's page. I want to add another cover so that this beautiful page doesn't get ruined as I show everyone. I tell all of my friends what I like to do and abt. all of you out there and I am looked at as if I have 1 eye and 3 heads, no one but you guys understand! I am now on post 97 so in 3 more I will be having a 100th post giveaway....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Idle Hands......

As you can see my "hands" are all over the place! I have been trying to keep up with my booth in Gray, a custom order of wreaths, Lollishops, Etsy, Silver Bella and Mistletoe Market and well, to tell the truth it's a wonder I remember my bra most days!
I love making these cupcake pics like the top picture and had to try a table topper to match(both of these are online in my etsy shop), the wreath is just one of many stacked to the ceiling around my dining room table-I have to figure out where to put them all, the wallpaper packets are filling my vintage suitcases at the moment-all textured, many different patterns just waiting for me to make something with them but what? My favorite item that I have been working on is "Aunt Cal"-short for Calista-I wish I could make up some great story abt. her but I stink at that unless I could come up with a very embarassing moment for her and then the stories roll right out! Anyway, I have been knitting these very skinny scarves or knitted necklaces and I needed a display for them. I can't really afford to run around hunting for an antique dress form so I decided to paper mache one, she turned out so pretty I decided I would do another and another and so Aunt Cal is listed in my lollishop-shipping is added to her price.
I'm off to school to deliver cupcakes for my 5th grader, hope all of you have a wonderful Wednesday...will be back to tell you abt. a birthday and show you my En Le Jardin memory book!!
I'm off to school to deliver cupcakes for my 5th grader, hope all of you have a wonderful Wednesday...will be back to tell you abt. a birthday and show you my En Le Jardin memory book!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
More catching up
I am trying to go thru all of my pics and share a few more things that have been going on around here, sorry for the hodge podge post!
Just wanted you to know there has been some crafting going on!

So here are a couple of pictures from my 20th class reunion..the one above is me with 2 great friends, Stephanie and Eric. We had so much fun in school, usually laughing just like this and it was so good to see them both after so many years. Steph lives in Atlanta with her hubby and children and Eric and his family live in Denver. My face hurt the day after the reunion from laughing so much and so hard! The picture below is a few of us that not only graduated from high school together but also from grammer school(back then it wasn't called elementary school), I had not seen any of them since 1989 either. Fron left to right is Alicia-my very first friend after moving to Macon in 5th grade, Tina-my very oldest friend, I have known her since 1st grade-she owns a toy store at our new mall in Macon-tell her I sent you!, me and then Sarena-sorry to say we didn't talk much so I don't know anything abt. her now.
So here are a couple of pictures from my 20th class reunion..the one above is me with 2 great friends, Stephanie and Eric. We had so much fun in school, usually laughing just like this and it was so good to see them both after so many years. Steph lives in Atlanta with her hubby and children and Eric and his family live in Denver. My face hurt the day after the reunion from laughing so much and so hard! The picture below is a few of us that not only graduated from high school together but also from grammer school(back then it wasn't called elementary school), I had not seen any of them since 1989 either. Fron left to right is Alicia-my very first friend after moving to Macon in 5th grade, Tina-my very oldest friend, I have known her since 1st grade-she owns a toy store at our new mall in Macon-tell her I sent you!, me and then Sarena-sorry to say we didn't talk much so I don't know anything abt. her now.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Playing Catch Up
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Oh "Say", Can you see?
Obviously I haven't posted in awhile and when I realized that my Memorial Day fit the post for July 4th I just left it, pretty sad, huh?
I have been frantically busy making up "goodies" to sell at Silver Bella and Mistletoe Market in Nov. Christmas is always on my mind so it has been hard to switch gears and be a good blogger.
I do want to share a funny story with you guys, or at least it was funny to us and maybe those of you with kids will see the humor as well.
Back in Nov. 2005 my mom passed away, it was the worst time of my life, no joy and with Christmas approaching it was horrible. My mother in law offered to keep the boys so that Billy and I could do our Christmas shopping so off we go to Granma's house, the boys excited that Christmas was near and me? just depressed. As we were riding along, my then 6 yr. old Griffin, says "Momma, I just thought of something (which usually meant something crazy was abt. to come from his mouth)" I said, "oh yeah, what was it", he replies "well I got a question for you....who is say?" My husband and I just look at each other like the child had finally gone crazy. We both said, "what?", he says again, "who is say? know oh say, can you see?"
Well you can imagine how hard we laughed and I think God sent that crazy thought thru Griffin's head just for me! As we celebrated the Independence of our country and my dad's birthday on Sat. I thought of that time and that crazy question that came from my son, it brought joy to my life and I hope all of you are filled not just with happiness but the joy that can only come from God!!
I'll be back soon with pics of all of our craziness over the past month!
I have been frantically busy making up "goodies" to sell at Silver Bella and Mistletoe Market in Nov. Christmas is always on my mind so it has been hard to switch gears and be a good blogger.
I do want to share a funny story with you guys, or at least it was funny to us and maybe those of you with kids will see the humor as well.
Back in Nov. 2005 my mom passed away, it was the worst time of my life, no joy and with Christmas approaching it was horrible. My mother in law offered to keep the boys so that Billy and I could do our Christmas shopping so off we go to Granma's house, the boys excited that Christmas was near and me? just depressed. As we were riding along, my then 6 yr. old Griffin, says "Momma, I just thought of something (which usually meant something crazy was abt. to come from his mouth)" I said, "oh yeah, what was it", he replies "well I got a question for you....who is say?" My husband and I just look at each other like the child had finally gone crazy. We both said, "what?", he says again, "who is say? know oh say, can you see?"
Well you can imagine how hard we laughed and I think God sent that crazy thought thru Griffin's head just for me! As we celebrated the Independence of our country and my dad's birthday on Sat. I thought of that time and that crazy question that came from my son, it brought joy to my life and I hope all of you are filled not just with happiness but the joy that can only come from God!!
I'll be back soon with pics of all of our craziness over the past month!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Let Us Remember

Let us remember those that chose or were drafted to serve this country and in doing so lost their lives for us to be able to have the rights that we have today. Let us remember their families that sacrificed all while their loved ones protected us. Give thanks that there are still men and women out their fighting to protect FREEDOM and support them any way that you can. Go visit Rosalyn Sue if you want to find out what you can do to help soldiers today.

Good Morning! I just wanted to tell you abt. the biggest, best giveaway I have ever found. Go now to this blog and put your name in the hat.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
En Le Jardin Swap

I am trying to break this art retreat into different posts so I don't have to sit here for hours, so here are the pics of the swap that we all contributed to. I will post more pics later of all the girls, some of the craziness and all of the individual goodies that I came home with. Best of all, I made some wonderful friendships. My heart is full of love for all of the girls that I have met this past month at the 2 art/friendship goody can compare to them!
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