Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I just wanted to let you all know that I will draw the winner's name at 9:30pm tonight and will post the pics of the giveaway goodies as well. You still have a few hours to enter!!!!!!!!!

For those of you that are believers, please, please be praying for 2 families in our community. Last night was our first PTO mtg of the school year and afterwards while organizing the cafeteria to be ready for this morning, I got to meet one of our new teachers, Nathan Beiswenger. Quite the good-looking man and just a really nice guy. He was one of the few that stayed to help us put chairs and tables back in order and the kids in the school loved having a man as a teacher(there are so few of them now). This morning before school, he was out jogging just a mile down the road from us and was hit by a car. He died on the scene. From what I understand, he was facing traffic and saw a car coming so he moved over into the other lane -with an Ipod in his ear- and never heard a car approaching behind him. PLEASE, PLEASE be praying for his family, his fiance, and the driver's family, who was also a local man. I cannot imagine the grief they are all feeling and I regret not having said more to him last night. I have said in the past that I know God put me here for a reason and that I feel like I am not living up to my "calling". After watching Patrick Swayze and his wife on TV last night and then hearing abt. Mr. Beiswenger this morning, it hits home even more that the MOST IMPORTANT thing for me to be doing is sharing God's love and forgiveness with everyone I meet. I do love each and every one of you even though many of us have not met, so, while you pray for them and please keep the staff and kids in our school in your prayers too, I will be praying for all of you; especially that you know the Jesus Christ as your Savior.
I have never done this before but if anyone out there needs prayer whether it is something you want to share or an unspoken, please leave it in the comments or email me...I would LOVE to pray with you or for you.

thanks for letting me share my feelings on here and please know that I am sincere! I will email the winner tonight at 9:30 but there are some comments that I cannot get any info from so please check back here for the winner's name.


Diva Kreszl said...

I'm so sorry to hear about this tragedy! I will certainly keep that man's family in my prayers, and pray for all those who knew him at school and will surely be missing him!

Lori said...

that is so sad...i will pray for the family and for the driver of the car...what a terrible tragedy

The Other Side of Me said...

Hi Angela,

How tragic. I will keep his family in my prayers and I am sending you a big hug of comfort to you too!

Diva Kreszl said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog...your post today should definitely help us all to put things in perspective! Live each day to the those around us and thank God for each new day.

The Feathered Nest said...

Oh Angela. My eyes are filled with tears and my heart with sadness for this precious man's family...I will keep them all in my thoughts and prayers sweet friend. I'm so, so sorry ~ You are precious Angela and anyone that knows you knows that....hugs and love, Dawn

Anonymous said...

wow- such a sad and stunning story. It can end in a blink of an eye. Prayers out there for the families. You're a good person!

Sherry Williams said...

I hope you are doing well, Angela. I read about this tragedy in the paper. I feel so sorry for his family & friends. Only lots of prayers can help at a time like this.
Give me a call soon & we can go to lunch.