Monday, December 7, 2009


Here is a thinner version of the previous post. So whatcha think abt. this one?
I have added this to my etsy shop, you can find it here. I have one made and can take orders for more(just give me a couple of days to make) if anyone is interested. Thanks for all the comments, I'm always nervous abt. putting my "stuff" out there, not sure if anyone will like it.


Dena E's Blog said...

I am still not sure how I ended up finding your blog, I think it was after I tried to join /submit my info at Where Women Create,,,Anyway no clue if they'll except me there but your blog (now that I have found it) is so special. I thnik this Cross is fantastic!!! Wow!!!
Hugs Dena

Dena E's Blog said...

Well Dear I am most honored.. It came to me as I clicked my back arrow, I found you through Where Womwen Create.. I had been trying to join there also but am not sure if they'll except me sooo sad of a silly thing to worry over don't you think,but I do tend to worry sometimes. Anyway,,sooo happy you left me a note,,God is awesome!!! Do return again..
Blessings and Hugs Dena

maggiegracecreates said...

Angela -- THis is gorgeous. I love love love it.

The Other Side of Me said...

HI Angela,

This version came out great, too, but I still love your first one. I miss seeing you. I hope you and the boys are having fun getting ready for Christmas.


Angela Harris said...

Wow! Amazing! This is a wonderful creation! Beautifully executed :)

Anonymous said...

I think I like the first one too, but you know, you might want to offer both. How are things? Merry Christmas!

Jennifer Hayslip said...

Soooo Beautiful Angela!!! It was wonderful seeing your yesterday! Thank you again for my pretty ornament! Christmas Blessings,Jenn

PCovi said...

Your cross wreaths are wonderful!! I love the way the shadows fell on the first one on the fireplace screen :)
I enjoyed hearing from you Angela!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too!!

Suzanne MacCrone Rogers • Italian Girl in Georgia™ said...

These are beautiful Angela! Happy New Year {belated} to you and I hope we see each other soon.

Ciao bella,