Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Old Rugged Cross

Whew...Mistletoe Market was insane! I sold over 50 wreaths on Friday and was completely sold out just after lunch! I stayed up all night making more and I don't think I ever stopped all weekend, and still I have orders to fill....YAYAYAYAYAY!!! I so needed a sale like this one, I was really discouraged and so many things are going on in my home that it was just what I needed at the moment. Sorry to say I didn't take a single pic, I never had time to get my camera out of the bag. Tammy came to see me with her sweet, sweet Mama Ru and sisnlaw Judy and took a few pics. I sold all of my paper mache' dress forms and have 2 more almost ready for their debut.

One of my customers asked me if I could come up with a cross done like my wreaths and my hubby has been on me for a year to try one and this is my version or first try anyway. I'm thinking I need to thin out the middle of the arms so that it is wider at the center and the points, whadya think? Please be honest, is this a keeper or no? Please ignore the inside of the fireplace, candles are everywhere and I didn't have alot of options for 10:30pm pics.
I can't wait to here what y'all think of the cross and whether I should thin it out, something just doesn't look right. I'm hoping this customer loves the cross and maybe I can offer them in my etsy shop.
Love to you all,


The Other Side of Me said...


It is amazing. You did an outstanding job. I think it is perfect. I am sure she will love it. I would leave this one and then make a second one thinner in the middle and see which one you like better.

Anonymous said...

Ditto what Tammy said. Simply stunning- nicely done. Hope things slow down for you at home, but totally excited that you sold all of your stuff. Did you see the picture of the angel wing one over at Dawn's? It was awesome!

The Feathered Nest said...

Oh Angela!!!! I LOVE IT!! I thing the cross is just beautiful sweetie ~ I'm so glad you had a great show and were rewarded for all of your hard work. I hope you and your family have such a wonderful Christmas sweet girl, hugs and love, Dawn

The Feathered Nest said...

Oh, you will LOVE them!!! Just go down to the bottom of my blog and click Older Posts.....xxoo, Dawn

Mollye said...

Oh my gosh this cross is gorgeous. And I am lovin your music selection. Holiday Hugs, Mizmollye (seems like we're almost kin:) said...

How beautiful! And very unique, what a great idea!

Virginia Noggle said...

I am very intrigued by the skinnier's more appealing and less intrusive!

How much do you sell them for? I am curious because I collect crosses. I am a true lover of God!

I however, Sketch the face of Christ Jesus in Charcoal!

I would like to barter with you...however, I do not own anything that is "high-tech" (video camera, ipod, cellphone,or even a camera without film?)

So, as soon as I can find someone who can accommodate me with some pics; I will send you some of my artwork!

Portland, Oregon

Virginia Noggle said...

I think that you have an eye for God's gift. Know that this is only possible because "YOU" are the Apple of "HIS" eye!
He intended for you to prosper from the gift(s) that He personally and purposely gave you in the beginning!
Go ahead and follow the Spirit of the Lord. He will lead you in which way to go and He will instill even "MORE" ideas in you to be manifested!I hope that you are able to give even more to the world than just these beautiful, magnificent and optical, musical crosses!

God Bless you; and I pray that "He" also works-out your precious home-front!