Friday, August 21, 2009


This summer was the best summer we have had since my kids started school. Most of them have been full of fighting, my boys seem to hate each other come summer time but this year was filled with homemade fun. My dad took them on a camping trip, they made a mud pit in the back yard as well as a bike track for BMX(God help me!) and we went to see family in NC. This picture above is from a trip to our local Museum of Arts and Sciences. My boys and I go there several times throughout the year but this was a first for my nephew, Luke(he's the one making faces and Yes, his shirt says, My dad can arrest your dad-we are so red around here). I am so blessed to have a wonderful family, healthy children and a loving husband and no matter what LIFE throws at us, that is the most important thing, right? I really need a pep talk today abt. how great things are for me, how much I have to be grateful for...has anyone else every needed one of those? I feel like things are falling apart and it's like trying to hold water in your hand and it all just leaks thru the cracks....
Well I am sorry to have boo-hooed on your shoulders today, I hope and pray that everyone has a wonderful day and weekend. If you are a praying person, please pray that God blesses us in a very special way today, I know he is capable if we only let him! Thanks to you all!
2 more posts to go to the giveaway...

Oh, God just reminded me how blessed and loved I am. The child 2nd from the left, my 5 year old Brady, was lying beside me the other day and I said to him, "I love you"...he replied "I love you too" to which I added " I love you more" and usually this will go on and on until one of us says, " I love you MOST"-declaring the winner, but my wise little child responds this time, " well, I love you as much as Jesus loves you". Tell me that don't learn early! sneaky little devil, I couldn't help but laugh and of course kiss him all over!


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you posting again. Summer just FLEW by, didn't it. I play the I Love You game with my oldest son too- it's sweet. xoxo

The Feathered Nest said...

Oh Angela...I know exactly how you feel sweet girl!! I have days like that too ~ when I need to be reminded how blessed I am. I hope you're feeling better this evening sweetie ~ Thank you so much for your offer of a deal on flooring...I've changed my mind to just keep what I have for awhile longer :) Miss you sweet girl!! xxoo, Dawn

The Other Side of Me said...

Hi Angela,

I am so glad to hear that your summer has been great with the boys.
We all get swamped and it seems the harder we try to get out we just pull ourselves under. I hope you are floating back on top again really soon. It is hard to keep you down, sister!
I have jury duty this week, but I will try to call.
Hugs to you,

cinnibonbon said...

Welcome back! hey girl your boys are just too precious--I can only imagine having more than one child- but boys? girl you are a saint- like-- Lee.

Ok so I'm digging all your scrappy goodness- man you know I love the shoes. I'll have to try to make a pair. yes- I laughed at your pumpkin shaking comment! Only you can make laugh this hard.

Oh that memory book is just too beautiful. That was a wonderful gathering for sure- looks like you gals had a magnificant time.

Sherry Williams said...

Your boys are too precious! Did you know that I am a mom of 3 boys, too? Glad you enjoyed your summer with them. Let me know we can meet at Tammy's & work on the project.