I wish I could say that I was a morning person and that I got up long before everyone else to read my Bible, exercise, tidy up the house, get dressed, cook breakfast and all that other stuff perfect women do...but I'm not. I wish I could say that I was a very detailed and organized person, but I cannot. I wanted to post some pics of random things that I had saved on my laptop that just inspire me or make me happy and now it is sad to say that I cannot tell you anything abt. any of these except that I THINK they all came from tumblr.com except the one of Billy and me at my class reunion. I am not a confident woman of anything that has to do with me other than that I love the Lord and HE especially loves me and that I have a very good looking man for a hubby, just saying!!;)
If any of these pics are from you, please leave me a comment so that I can give you all the credit because Lord knows I am not claiming any of these as my own, I just loved the color and details and wanted to share with everyone. If you haven't visited tumblr in the past, go do so now, there are some amazing artists and photographers in this world and they bless us by sharing their talents!
I have a few "friends" that I rush home to visit daily that I wanted to share with y'all as well, in no particular order:
and I could go on and on and will do so with my next post which will also be my 100th POST so make sure to comment and get in on the giveaway, let me know that you have posted abt. my giveaway on your blog in your comment and I will enter you twice!!! Don't forget my next post is the 100th!!! I will be posting on Tuesday the 8th of Sept. and drawing the winner of ?????!!!!!! on Friday the 11th!!! you can leave comments for me anytime tho', I love to hear from you!
love you all,