My friend Pam is pregnant for the first time, with twins, ha! and thank God it is not me. She was admitted to the hospital 2 weeks ago with premature labor and they are now telling her she may have to stay another 6 weeks even tho' they have her on meds to halt the contractions. Poor thing, I was in the hospital for 18 days before I had Griffin and....well you can just imagine no bathroom privileges (no washing hair, shaving legs, going to the potty with some privacy). I am sure I was the loveliest mother on the day he was born, ugh!!! Pam is still able to go the bathroom but I still feel for her, I told her to shave them legs every chance she gets cause there's no telling when they will force her to stay in the bed. We had a shower for her today and just had everyone give her some words of wisdom(is there any of that once you have children?) and taped the whole thing for her to see. I hated to cancel when we had invited so many. We got our invitations and paper supplies here; the one we used can be seen here. It was the cutest shower I have ever done. I wish Pam and Jerry all of the best! The picture above is what she has to look forward to, after getting himself all situated he then says"Feliz Navidad". Go figure.
After I got home I found a new blog that everyone has to go check out, Risa is so funny(I think I am meant to win her giveaway), so go visit and say "Hey". Y'all know that is the way we say Hi in the south and we love our Sweet Tea!
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