Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So busy....

yes, these 3 keep me extremely busy but I do love them so!!! Easter 09.

seems I am too busy and can't tell that I am getting anything done. I did manage to clean house today and will be completely honest and say I haven't truly "cleaned" since Christmas, UGH!!! Now when 3 little boys run this door at 3:30pm it will look just like it did before they went to school this morning..a PIG PEN! Since I am spending the weekend with Tammy and the girls I thought leaving a clean house for my husband was the least I could do, can't wait to see what it looks like when I return..

I have opened a booth in a local shop "Treasures by the Tracks and am so excited on how business is going. It has made me extremely busy but hey, I'm making money and that is what keeps the lights on round here. Above are some pics of some things that I have made and sold.
Off to buy a hostess & host gift for Tammy and her hubby....will post after the weekend, hope everyone has a wonderful and safe one!!


The Feathered Nest said...

Hi Angela!!! I'm in love with these wreaths!! I so know how life is with little boys...can you believe at one time our boys were 15, 13, 11, 7 and a newborn??? They are 26, 24, 22, 18, and 11 now......NOW I know why I'm so tired...Can't wait to see all of you girls!!!! xxoo, Dawn

The Feathered Nest said...

Hi sweet friend!!!! I had the absolute BEST TIME EVER this past weekend! You are just adorable girl...thank you so much for my collage I can't wait to hang it in my studio! Please email me so I can have your email address OK? the birthday celebration went great! love and hugs, Dawn

Anonymous said...

Loved spending time with you! Your sense of humor is amazing. You are one talented lady! Good luck with the store. We missed on Saturday.