Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Squeals that can be heard around the world!!!

I am so excited!!!! First off I am going to be a part of a wonderful weekend spent with a great group of girls, lots of giggling, goody swapping, and art being taught by Dawn-aack...I can hardly wait!!! Go visit Tammy to see the list of all the girls attending and then come back after the first of May to see what a wonderful time we had. I am bummed that I will miss the trip to Savannah but my sweet little man, Brady, will be 5 years old that same weekend and we will be "Monkey Joeing" while the girls are totally forgetting I exist down in Savannah!

Next, will be this unbelievable weekend in May hosted by Jennifer. I am telling you I just abt. can't stand myself-can you hear me squealing? Once again, I will miss their trip to Savannah but will get to see all of their goodies on Sat. at the luncheon/art class. I will make sure to take gobs of pics to show you all!!

and last but not least.....WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!! My sweet and darling, wonderful, loving, best, most generous(did I say sweet?) husband has given me the greatest Mother's Day, anniversary, birthday, Christmas gift I could have gotten this year.....Silver Bella. I am telling you I can't hardly stand myself!!
There has been so much going on in my world that I haven't blogged in a bit but have lots to show you from my booth and art I have been working on. I have sneak peeks to show you of my gifts to all the girls that will be at Tammy's next weekend but I will have to post those later today...have a wonderful day and I hope my squeals won't distract you too much!!haha


Jennifer Hayslip said...

YAY!!! What a busy fun year you are having! You go girl! You are going to have some SERIOUS fun "girl" time. :) Cant wait to see you soon! XO, Jenn

Sherry Williams said...

Hi Molly,
I can't wait to meet you at Jenn's in May! Wish I was going to Tammy's sweet retreat!! I live in Gray, too, not far from her!
See ya soon! Sherry

Sherry Williams said...

oooops!!! I accidentally called you Molly instead of Angela!!
Sorry, Sherry

The Other Side of Me said...

Hi Angela,

You are really stacked up for some fun. You go girl!

Sorry you won't be joining us in Savannah. I will talk to you on Friday.


The Feathered Nest said...

Hi Angela!!! I'm just about to bust too!!! I can't wait to meet everyone and enjoy creating with you! I hate that you're not going to Savannah but so totally understand with your sweetie having a birthday ~ I'm counting the days!!! xxoo, Dawn

Anonymous said...

see you soon- will do on the barn- and YES, you'd better become an East Coast Farm Chick!!

karlascottage.typepad.com said...

See you soon! (I added your link)