Hi everyone! I don't have but just a sec to post and tomorrow I am off to meet up with Tammy for Starbucks and Antique shopping(YAY!!) so I wanted to get ahead of the game for tomorrow. I have recently signed up to participate in http://www.picturespotspens.blogspot.com/ 's Family Foto Friday so here is my first one. This is my great,great,great grandparents on my dad's paternal side. I have been told my 3rd great grandfather, Augustus Dover, was a Doctor(I am sure a self made one), a Godly man, and that even though he lived in North Georgia and was Southern to the core, he refused to fight in the Civil War. He didn't want to see the killing when he was called to heal and save people so when he deserted and the Rebel army came to get him, he hid under the front porch steps and was never caught! I am sure had my grandmother's side of the family ever heard this abt. her husband's g.grandfather there would have been another war but even as Southern as I am it makes me proud to know that he stood or hid for his convictions and knew that God needed him to save lives.
I will try to post again tomorrow to show any goodies that I find or at least to catch up from the last few hunting expeditions! Have a great night everyone.
Wonderful picture and fantastic story! It is so nice that you have this beautiful story to pass down to your children and their children! Thanks for sharing it was us!
How amazing to have a photo from so many generations back. :o)
Hello Angela, I love this photo and amazed that you have it. Our family photos are around but my aunt has them. She would gladly share but she lives in MI and it is just to far away to scan them. This photo enlarged is awesome. Your story about the civil war is interesting. I say he did the right thing by far.
Thanks for sharing your family today.
This is a wonderful picture, Angela!
I love the way it's colorized. They both look like very gentle people and I can see that you G-Grandaddy was from the story you told.
Hope to see you next Friday!
Wonderful Photo and story!! Good for your granddad standing up for his convictions!! Have a great day!!
Here here.If I were to ever be drafted I've always said I would hide.I will NOT kill unless God forbid to protect my family.Great man.You SHOULD be proud...Ann
Hi and welcome.
I would have done the same. My dad was in WW11 and lost both his legs at 21. Wars are NOT GOOD.
Have fun shopping you lucky gal.
Claudie from Canada
Hi Angela,
That is a wonderful photo-I know that you treasure it!
What a great story! Neat old picture too....I wish I could have been with you and Tammy! I know there were lots of giggles!
I love your photo. I am so glad you have joined Foto Friday, it is so wonderful to read the proud family histories that go with so many of these photos.
have a great weekend,
Teresa (from Georgia too)
Love the story....No not Macon but about 60 miles south...near Dublin...I just put that since most have heard of Macon...hehehe
No never have smelled anything from the pen and it is a couple hundred yards from my house...they really are more for cleaning the yards up in the back than farming but since we found out how great it is for tax point of view we have kept them and every year when we have a few babies we will take them to the auction for sale or just sale outright...we only keep about 10 or so maybe that is why they don't smell but our neigbor has 100's of them and the smell is not with them either. My little one loves them...we have 3 minature ones that are cute as can be.
So whay antique shops do you go to?I love Payne Place...but it has been a while since I have been there.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you come again...gotta add you to my favorites since your this close to me...
HI LOVE YOUR HEADER..I follower Tammy from the OTHER SIDE OF ME and RAMBLING GIRL and saw your comments...and I am also a GEORGIA blogger and wanted to say hello!!!!
Thanks for joining us for the All Dolled Up party!
I am adding your blog to the list right now^^
See you soon~
Chelsea Ann
Hi Angela~
Just stopping by to take a look at your photo...wow...that's a great one you have there! I absolutely LOVE old pictures! You told such an amazing story that goes along with it...made it come to life! Thanks so much for sharing it with us today!
Happy shopping!
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