Hi everyone! I don't have but just a sec to post and tomorrow I am off to meet up with Tammy for Starbucks and Antique shopping(YAY!!) so I wanted to get ahead of the game for tomorrow. I have recently signed up to participate in http://www.picturespotspens.blogspot.com/ 's Family Foto Friday so here is my first one. This is my great,great,great grandparents on my dad's paternal side. I have been told my 3rd great grandfather, Augustus Dover, was a Doctor(I am sure a self made one), a Godly man, and that even though he lived in North Georgia and was Southern to the core, he refused to fight in the Civil War. He didn't want to see the killing when he was called to heal and save people so when he deserted and the Rebel army came to get him, he hid under the front porch steps and was never caught! I am sure had my grandmother's side of the family ever heard this abt. her husband's g.grandfather there would have been another war but even as Southern as I am it makes me proud to know that he stood or hid for his convictions and knew that God needed him to save lives.
I will try to post again tomorrow to show any goodies that I find or at least to catch up from the last few hunting expeditions! Have a great night everyone.