Please make sure you turn off the music in the sidebar and get prepared to laugh!!!! Anita Renfroe is hilarious all the time, if you have never heard her speak or do her comedy routine...schedule some time with want regret it.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010
Madison Market in you guessed it..Madison, Ga.
The Lord has been so GOOD to me! Some of you know what has been going on with my family and I have really been praying abt. whether to share it on my blog so that it may help others going thru the same type of things but for now I just want to say that GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!
I delivered some of these crosses to Christine Mills a few weeks ago in Madison Ga. She has a booth in the Madison Markets and I just had to show you a few pics from around the shop. This entire place is gorgeous and I really couldn't decide what to take pics of so you just have to make a special trip there yourself!
I want both of these so bad!!! I love this..........
Obviously my pics are a little backwards since this is the entrance but I got frustrated with Blogger trying to load these in some sort of order, ugh...
Spring is pink
Can you tell I am SO ready for Spring? This weekend was absolutely beautiful and today's forecast is clear skies and 72*. The year my hubby and I started dating (1993) we had a major snowstorm(well major for Central Ga.) on March 12th and here we are with 72*, who knows maybe it will snow again at the end of the week.
If you have never visited this flickr site, go there fast! Just click the link under this pic, there are so many gorgeous photos!!
Have a wonderful day and I promise to post pictures of my 39 squares challenge in the next day or so!
Monday, March 1, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tintype: Banjo Player With Stogie
I found this tintype via flickr(mrwaterslide) and thought it fit perfectly with the Toby Keith song I had playing. Can't you just see this man having to listen to his wife "yap" 24 hrs. a day and never getting a word in! Ha. My hubby doesn't like Country music but always manages to grin when he hears this song, wonder why?
Or maybe it fits in better with song #9 on my playlist. hahaha. That song is so not what I would usually play on here but I was looking for a love song by Vince Gill and when I played this one I just had to laugh. I guess Jo Packham's letter in the front of the Where Women Create Spring 2010 just got me to thinking abt. "men" and what they think abt. us women some times.
Hope everyone just gets a laugh out of all of this, be back with another post later.