Saturday, May 1, 2010


I would so love to be Serena's special guest..heck I'd like to be anyone's special guest to this!!! Go here and check this out.
I have so many things to share and pics to show...will be back soon.


Jodie (everything vintage) said...

HI Angela!

I'm sorry I missed seeing you in Savannah too! Wow. To be in that little bakery at the same time and not even know it...amazing!
I'm glad you are coming along for the ride of all the other stuff you missed, it truly was a wonderful weekend.
Hopefully we'll be in the same place at the same time again soon~
As for CC...I'm not sure yet ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry I've been MIA. Hope things are looking up for you. Lovin' the blog posts- keep 'em coming. And I like readig real blogst oo- the good the bad and the ugly. hugs

Nekkid Chicken said...

Cool Blog, just surfing the net here. I am a fuzzy slippered BON BON eating SAHM too. ROFL! ~:>

cinnibonbon said...

Hey sweet peach

Happy Mother's Day!!!!
