I have finally gotten the collage added to my etsy shop and I have added one of the new journals there as well. There are several more to take pics of and add that I will try to get to tonight. I have a booth at our local market on Sat. and everything will be going with me so if you are interested in a certain item please let me know.
On to something else to gab abt., my 3 year old loves to surprise us with the things that come from his mouth. His new kick is singing to a commercial that we heard on the radio. The commercial sounds like Larry the Cable Guy being asked if he was to try out on American Idol what would he sing. His response, "Lord have mercy how'd she get them britches on, with all that honky tonk....." and so now you know. He also watched part of Shrek in the last few weeks so we have, "I like big butts...." to go with the first stanza and somehow he knows that honky tonk and butt is the same. Go figure, I can't make him understand "NO" to save my life but he hears those lyrics ONCE and immediately gets them. Will I ever figure this parenting thing out?!? Any experts out there?
I just found your blog and it's great! I have been doing alot of crocheting and trying to get some little flowers done, also, but I haven't posted any on my blog. Yours are so pretty and I love the way you've used them to embellish.
You'll figure it out just as the last one leaves for college! You know when my babies started sleeping late? On the first day of school when I needed them to get up. Why is it always like that?
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