Saturday was my youngest son's 3rd birthday. It seems like yesterday that we went out to eat Mexican(lots of cheese dip) and I promptly went into labor. Just ponder on that a moment and you will understand how horrified I was. As soon as we got to the hospital I informed the nurse that I had just eaten Mexican, to which she replied, "It will be ok, you won't be the first and you won't be the last." My problem was I didn't want to be the in-between either. My contractions were slow and lasted all thru the night, meanwhile they never let me get out of bed.UGH! The new Dr. on call came in during the early morning hours and of course this had to be the only Dr. in the practice that I had not seen on rotation. Not only that but he is my age!!!! I can deal with the older ones but my age? YUCK!!! I am very modest and this was just adding to the humiliation that I expected to go thru during the delivery, if you know what I mean. He checked my progress and told me that it would still be at least 4 hours and that he had another pt. ready across the river at the other hospital in town, he would go deliver her baby and be back in time for mine. He literally stepped out into the hall, maybe 2-3 min. passed and I had to push. My husband, of course thought I was crazy and it was just the Mexican food talking. But oh no, I mean I had to push!! My husband ran out into the hall, the Dr. still standing outside my door making notes and tells everyone what is going on. It seemed like forever before nurses, my husband and the Dr. come back in( I did tell you I was horrified, right?). In walks the Dr. with this contraption on his head, full length plexi-glass face shield that went to mid chest. I COULD HAVE DIED!!!!!! I mean I had been beggin' for an enema but they don't do that anymore they said, it will be fine, they said. I wish that we had remembered the camera because this story does not do this justice. Needless to say, I only had to push once, an 8 lb 11 oz baby boy flew out and I never asked abt. anything else. TOO HORRIFIED!!!
Well here it is 3 years later, Brady's 3rd birthday and we were going to Kangaroo Bob's but he insisted on Chucky E. Cheese. Did I tell you, he loves Mexican and you need to read a few posts back abt. what he said with the glasses on. Here are some pics of the 3 boys as well as my nephew. I hope you enjoyed the story above and make sure you never eat Mexican before delivery!!!