I promised myself that I would be a better blogger and as you can tell that has been a failed promise. I have been so blessed with sales of my wreaths this year that I barely have time to come up for air. This past Saturday night I had a booth at Hometown Christmas in Gray, Ga. and had wonderful success with wreath sales, only brought back 3 large ones and had an order for 9 on Sunday, YAYAYAY!!!!!
If anyone is interested in one, please leave a comment and I will try to figure out how to ship to you- the prices are $6 for small(5inch center opening), $8 for medium(7inch opening) and $10 for large(9inch opening-abt. 30 inches from point to point). I will list them in my lollishop in the next couple of days.
I have so many pics to post and no time to do it, but I did copy the top one off of Tammi's blog, you should definitely go visit her and her shop.