I am so EXCITED, it has just been one of those days(a badly needed one-at that)! Last night I spent hours taking pics, cropping, adjusting, replacing, adding and then measuring, typing, listing items on etsy and when I awoke I had a request for a journal from a gal in England-my first international customer!!!! Well that had me so giddy and then when I dropped my boys off at school I went to the park to walk the track and made it around 12 times without passing out or needing to potty, walked a total of 56 minutes, 6612 steps, burned 354 calories and for the big one......3 miles!! Now I know after watching some of the Olympics or even going to the gym and seeing the faithful(oh, how they gripe me!) that isn't much but for a big girl trying to shed an entire person that was GLORIOUS. You have to sing that word like the angels by the way. I rushed home to get ready to go into the paint store and harass delinquent painters abt. their bills only to sneak into my office and find an email from Sadie that my shop had been accepted as a seller on Lollishops, HOLY COW, I don't know if you can peel me off the ceiling today. Needless to say I haven't gotten ready for bill collecting yet and don't know if I can even concentrate on that right now. My husband says he may have to fire me before I even work a full week and as long as he brings me money I'll be singing, "Take this job and shove it, I ain't working here no more!" I can't even remember who sang that but it was the perfect line. Hope everyone else is having a wonderful day!!!!!!