On Sat. we went to East Macon Park where they use to have BMX races when my husband was a child(back in the old days as my oldest son put it). As you can see they all had a blast even if it was 100* in the shade(of which there was none). Now my husband has it in his head to call the recreation dept. and see what it would take to renovate the track and possibly start having races again. I tried to show everyone in these shots except me of course. I did get on my husband's bike and huffed over those little bumps but threatened him (with, well you know what matters most) if he took a pic of that.
Ooh for some exciting news, Sara over at Sadie Olive was interviewed for the Artful Blogging, that will come out on Friday, for her blog, shop and design business. My little ole' blog, that I so ignore in order to keep up with everyone else's, will be shown on page 40. Already I can see a difference in the views that I receive but will definitely be working on a few things in the next couple of days to update my shop and the blog itself. There are so many people I visit on a daily basis that I haven't posted links to and must get that area updated. BY THE WAY....I think I will have a giveaway to kick things off! Leave a comment here telling us some of the blogs and shops you visit daily and I will be giving a cigar box full of goodies away. I will post the pic of the giveaway this afternoon, I must go fill the box first. Obviously it will hold vintage sheet music, old wallpaper, antique lace and buttons, a few baubles and well you will have to return to see what else. I will draw the winning name on Tuesday, Aug. 5th.